Board of Directors
Committee Chairs
Operations Pod
Bylaws: Tami Lunsford
Chapters: Tami Lunsford, Chair; Kathy Fuller, Vice Chair
Executive: Tara Hicks Johnson
Finance: Don Pinkerton
Grants and Development: Vacant
History: Sarah Richards
Equity and Belonging: Rae Quadara, Co-Chair
Governance (Ad Hoc): Vacant
Communications Pod
Outreach: Cassie Stymiest, Chair
Current: Meg Marrero, Chair
Social Media: Laura Chaibongsai, Chair
Technology: Sandra Bilbo, Chair
Stakeholders Pod
International: Géraldine Fauville & Susan Haynes, Co-Chairs
Membership: David Christopher
Student Engagement: Sean Russell & Kathy Fuller, Co-Chairs
Issues and Trends Pod
Conservation: Frances Lang, Chair
Education Research and Evaluation: Joanna Philippoff, Chair
Ocean Literacy: Diana Payne, Chair; Sarah Schoedinger & Catherine Halversen, Vice Chairs
Traditional Knowledge: Linda Chilton & George Matsumoto, Co-Chairs
USA Blue Schools (Ad Hoc): Meg Marrero, Chair
Events Pod
Awards: David Wehunt, Chair
Conference: Robert Rocha, Chair
Scholarship: Kate Achilles, Chair
National Office
National Office Executive Administrator: Jackie Lewis
Contracted Staff
Social Media Community Manager: Jennifer Magnusson
Current Editor: Zach Greenberg
Chapter Representatives
Florida Marine Science Educators Association (FMSEA):
Reese Hanifin
Georgia Association of Marine Education (GAME):
Beth Palmer, Tybee Island Marine Science Center
Great Lakes Educators of Aquatic and Marine Science (GLEAMS):
Mandi Young, The Pathfinder School, Traverse City, MI
Gulf of Maine Marine Education Association (GOMMEA):
Jennifer Kennedy, Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation, Portsmouth, NH
Mid-Atlantic Marine Educators Association (MAMEA):
Dawn Sherwood, Highland Springs High School
Massachusetts Marine Educators (MME):
Pat Harcourt, Falmouth, MA
Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators (NAME):
Maile Sullivan, Washington Sea Grant, Seattle, WA
New Jersey Marine Educators Association (NJMEA):
Diana Burich, New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium, Fort Hancock, NJ
New York State Marine Educators Association (NYSMEA):
Sarah Richards, Saint Ann’s School
Oceania (Hawai'i and Pacific Islands):
Madeleine Sherman, Coral Resilience Lab, Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology, Kāne‘ohe, HI
Southern Association of Marine Educators (SAME):
Alma Robichaux, Gulf of Mexico Alliance
Angie Dixon, Dauphin Island Sea Lab
South Carolina Marine Educators Association (SCMEA):
Southeastern New England Marine Educators (SENEME):
Amy Ferland, Marine Science Magnet High School, Groton, CT
Southwest Marine Educators Association (SWMEA):
Sarah Pedemonte, Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley, CA
Tennessee Educators of Aquatic and Marine Science (TEAMS):
David Wehunt, Soddy Daisy High School, Soddy Daisy, TN
Texas Marine Educators Association (TMEA):
For a full listing with contact information, please contact