NMEA @ EMSEA 2019 - Bob Rocha
Several NMEA members, including some of our international members, attended the seventh annual European Marine Science Educators Association (EMSEA) conference in Lagoa, São Miguel, in the Azores islands, from September 16-19, 2019. Our host was Expolab, one of the many science campuses of Ciençia Viva, based in Lisbon, Portugal. The Azores are an autonomous region of Portugal, located in the North Atlantic, making this location an ideal spot for a marine educators conference. Portugal’s commitment to ocean literacy is evident in the educational programming and scientific initiatives in the mainland and the Azores. It was also on display via their strong sponsorship of the conference and the attendance of staff from their many facilities and education centers.
Bob Rocha led an activity on food chains and classification during the EMSEA 2019 Expo.
Approximately 100 people from 19 countries attended. The conference was a combination of presentations to all attendees in the main auditorium, two workshop sessions, a poster session, and an international panel. Perhaps the most fun was the EMSEA Expo held on the third afternoon. Local students were brought to the Expolab after their school day had ended so that they could visit more than a dozen hands-on activity stations. Being local students, Portuguese is their first language, so a few of the stations relied on translators. But, the hands-on aspect of the stations made it easy to engage the students. Although I’m not fluent in Portuguese, I know enough of the language that I was able to lead my food chains and classification activities without a translator. That was my first time doing that!
As many of you know, EMSEA officially formed in 2011, using NMEA as their template, but with necessary adjustments made to accommodate borders, languages, governmental education edicts, funding, etc. They definitely held to our model of making sure there are fun social events after the learning is done for the day. Each night, including the night before the conference, gave us an opportunity to build our networks, reconnect with old friends, eat some great food, bid on auction items and enjoy the local surroundings, just like an NMEA conference. The nights were indeed a great deal of fun
One of the funding agencies created a video of the conference, and conference photos can be seen here.
NMEA members Bob Rocha, Kate Achilles, and George “Sandman” Duane explored the Azores before the EMSEA 2019 conference.
As mentioned earlier, NMEA was well represented; this includes current president, Kate Achilles, who participated in the international panel, past president, Susan Haynes and retired teacher, George ‘Sandman’ Duane. On a personal note, the location of this event was significant because all of my father’s grandparents are from the island of São Miguel. It was nice to finally visit the (Da)Rocha and Soares homeland.
EMSEA 2020 will be held in Sopot, Poland from December 2-5, immediately following the CommOCEAN conference. The staff from Gdynia Aquarium, four of whom have attended recent NMEA conferences, are the primary hosts and organizers.
Robert Rocha
Director of Education and Science Programs
New Bedford Whaling Museum
New Bedford, MA