Educating audiences about the importance of watersheds with Kathy Fuller
Kathryn Fuller
Environmental Resource Teacher
William S. Schmidt Outdoor Education Center
Brandywine, MD
For over 20 years Kathy Fuller, known as “Miss Kathy” to most of her students, has been engaging, educating, and inspiring youth and adults alike about the importance of watersheds, how we are all connected to our environment, and what we can do to protect that environment and its direct relation to our wellbeing.
Her career has included positions with the North Carolina Aquariums, Horsehead Wetlands Center, Under the Sea, Inc., the National Aquarium, and Prince George’s County Public Schools, where she works as an Environmental Resource Teacher at the William S. Schmidt Center. She approaches the various age groups at a level appropriate to their abilities and comprehension. In her work with under-served youth throughout Maryland, including Baltimore City and the Washington, DC metropolitan area, she demonstrates the ability to understand an audience and develop materials and programs that are interesting and informative while providing room for personal growth and achievement.
She spends much of her free time enjoying the outdoors kayaking, SCUBA diving, and volunteering for local environmental organizations like the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), Phillips Wharf Environmental Center, and the National Aquarium. She is also proud to travel to Mexico, Thailand, Kenya (and more to come) in order to learn about local conservation initiatives. Kathy is happy to have found a home in Edgewater, MD so she and her husband Chuck can be close to the water.
Kathy SCUBA diving off Cozumel last winter.
Kathy swimming with whale sharks in Baja California
As the Environmental Resource Teacher at the William S. Schmidt Outdoor Education Center, Kathryn:
Teaches the stream ecology module at the Schmidt Center and other modules when available.
Assists the Outdoor Education Specialist in the planning and coordination of school visits.
Assists schools in certifying as a Maryland Green School; Assists schools with the implementation of their on-site instructional program.
Assists teachers and staff in providing a learning environment that supports the Prince George's County Public Schools and Maryland State Curricula.
Travels to schools to assist in preparing schools for their visit to Schmidt or making presentations to schools regarding environmental issues.
Provides Professional Development to teachers in the area of environmental education and supports teachers implementing Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences.
Conducts and assists in special projects and activities associated with Environmental Education and the William S Schmidt Outdoor Education Center program initiatives.